Monday, April 8, 2013

Walking Dead - Season 2 Episode 1 "What Lies Ahead"

IT WAS GOOD! Lots of good character moments. That scene between Dale and Andrea was great. I like Andrea’s character more and more, same with Dale. He’s probably the best character so far. But that discussion was brilliant and a great sign of the good changes in the writing staff. Brings up such important topics. Who is Dale to decide how Andrea should choose to die? Forcing her to not stay at the CDC by making her feel guilty, after all the guilt she already has with Amy. I understand Dale’s intentions were pure, which is why I’m not as mad at him as Andrea is. But really glad we had another moment to discuss what it means to be a Survivor, what it means to survive, and the choices we have in this catastrophic scenario.

Super awesome zombie stuff!! That herd walking past as they all hid under the cars! So suspenseful! It seemed to go on forever and that made it fantastic! I peed a little when the zombie came into the RV when Andrea was in it. Brilliant.

I like Lori, but she’s getting mad at Shane for every reason she should, but at weird times. First she gets mad at him for treating Carl badly, then about his sexual assault (which she should be mad about firstly and mostly), then about him saying he’s gonna leave. I just feel like the whole Lori/Shane plot is too soap opera-y for my taste. And she’s also mostly negative to Rick to, except finally for the scene where she defends him, I appreciate them giving the character some positive-ness. I feel like I don’t LIKE enough of the characters yet, and they know this and are working on it. Daryl, thank god, has gotten better and better, I feared he was gonna be a Merle clone, but luckily not, (also Merle is just over with now I hope, bye bye S1 writers, bye bye s1 poor plot plans). 

Speaking of plot, Sophia’s gone missing and they still haven’t found her. The opening scene of the series was Rick shooting a little girl Walker in the head, so this show is not above having Sophia end up dead or worse. I honestly have no idea where we’re going with it though. But I will tell you right now that if Merle show up I will flip over every goddamn table and burn Utica to the ground.

Back to Shane and Andrea wanting to leave. Idk how to feel about this. I feel like they won’t. If they do, will we be divided our time between the two groups much like we did in the first few episodes of season one? I think I want one group, especially considering their numbers are getting smaller and smaller.

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