Friday, April 12, 2013

Walking Dead Season 2 Episode 5 "Chupacabra"

I’m glad it’s looking like we’ll be picking up the momentum next episode, what with the zombies in the barn and all. It seems every episode I change my mind about how I want the pacing to be, but I think I’ve decided I’m okay with one or two lower episodes, but we can’t be having long stretches of no progress. Well, I can’t even call it “no progress,” because there isn’t really any central goal right now. Yes, yes, that’s kinda the point of the show. But I need some things to be moving forward. Five episodes Sophia’s been lost. Only really Rick and Daryl care at this point, I don’t even think Carol cares all that much anymore. She’s not even real anymore. She’s just this…idea now, used to create storylines like having Daryl go search some more and having Rick and Shane debate about the cores of their personalities.

Also, so many people are dumb. Let’s go one at a time. Glenn, my dear buddy Glenn. He gets the cold shoulder from Maggie and starts pouting like a child. Then he goes to talk to Lori about her pregnancy for God-knows-why, she obviously doesn’t want to discuss it. So then he goes to Dale and starts asking if everyone is on their period. Really. You think Maggie doesn’t want to fuck you again because she’s PMS-ing? That’s a strange level of arrogance coming out of you Glenn. Plus, you know Lori is pregnant, she doesn’t have to worry about her time of the month anymore. And then he just pulls Andrea into the mix too, because why not? Andrea is just bitchy; it has nothing to do with her menstruation.  Stupid Glenn. And you were so good last week.

Maggie is also pretty dumb this week. Telling her dad he doesn’t have to treat her like she’s 16, and then turns around and starts passing notes at the kids’ table about a coital rendezvous spot. That’s not the dumbest part though. She asks him where they want to do it. Even she freakin’ lives there and knows the area better. And there’s that barn full of zombies she doesn’t want anyone knowing about. Maybe she should’ve set up the meeting place. Don’t just make someone do something stupid for the sake of drama.
Oh yeah, Andrea shoots Daryl. Which is stupid. Not because she couldn’t tell it was him, I mean, he looked like shit and was walking like a zombie. What was stupid of her was that she shot when Rick and the gang were super close to Daryl. She’s not a good shot (as we see when she, thank God, only grazes Daryl) and even if it was a zombie, she might have shot one of the non zombies. Dumb.

I agree with Doc. I wouldn’t want these people hanging around me place much longer either. Making dumb decisions, taking my horses without asking. Also I want them to get off the farm and have some things happen to them. I liked Daryl’s scenes (EXCEPT GODDAMN IMAGINARY MERLE GODDAMMIT) because nothing that happened to him was due to him making a stupid mistake. Too much of what happened this episode was because someone did something stupid. Of course, this might all be intentional fodder that will be used to bolster Doc’s desire to get them to leave. But I want these people to be put into situations because of the circumstances they are living in and not because they’re making mistakes.

Other thoughts:
-Another flashback cold open. Showing the military destroying Atlanta and Lori/Shane/the gang watching. Seems completely unnecessary to me. Didn't provide anything for the rest of the episode. Just random. 

-So Daryl was actually wearing sleeves this episode because he had a premonition that he would need to rip them off from bandaging purposes later.

-Rick, becoming self-aware, thanks to Shane and that Dairy Queen waitress. “My good intentions are making us weaker that I can’t make the hard decisions for the good of the group. Maybe I’m holding on to a way of thinking that doesn’t make sense anymore.” This means progress and character development? Or does this just mean that now that Rick knows what he’s like, he can really roll up his sleeves and commit to it? There’s slightly more drama in the latter option, but it’s in the category of frustrating drama.

-"It's a wonder you people have survived this long." Honestly though.

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