Monday, April 15, 2013

Walking Dead Season 2 Episode 6 "Secrets"

Secrets secrets are no fun unless you share with everyone. I love how Glenn knows the secrets and then he reveals that he’s a bad liar. Because of course he is. Why have the secrets be revealed to someone who isn’t at risk of sharing them? That’s no fun and has less dramatic potential. The drama explodes when secrets are revealed. And while the pot has yet to boil over on the “Zombies in the Barn” burner, Lori’s secrets are finally out (to the person who needs to hear them, of course).

But before that happens, we have to have her be stupid first. It’s not necessarily stupid for her to assume that they’ll be staying at the farm for a long time, so telling Rick isn’t as urgent, but when she does find out that Rick has been keeping this secret she says the stupidest thing ever. “I don’t understand how you could keep something like this from me.” Which is such a stupid thing to say for so many reasons.

Though this pregnancy thing as a whole is an example of how dumb these people are. Everyone who knows that Lori’s pregnant is telling her to keep the baby, and how important it would be to have a baby as a sign of hope and good in a world gone to shit. I disagree with this. Of course, my opinion doesn’t matter. Neither does Dale’s, neither does Glenn’s. Neither does Rick’s really. The only opinion that matters is Lori’s. But, of course she the only anti-pregnancy one, because, classic Lori, she has to have the opposite of the popular opinion in order to create drama (Like with Carl and wanting to learn how to shoot). But that’s not why these people are stupid. She’s not just going to have the baby. She’s going to be pregnant for nine months. She’s gonna be slower, fatter, more vulnerable, more of a weakness to the group as a whole. No one is thinking about this, everyone’s too busy pushing their anti-abortion agendas and waxing romantic about the joy of a baby.

I have my issues with Lori, but I agree with her reasons for not wanting to go through with the pregnancy. But other stuff happens this episode too, so enough about her stupid unborn baby.

Glenn knows about the zombies in the barn and now Dale does too, because cut the bullshit and spit it out Glenn. “You’re old.’re…you know things.” Too bad Maggie’s bucket of peaches and jerky didn’t work to keep him quiet for long. I can’t wait for everyone to find out, because shit is gonna hit the fan and it better be glorious.

I mentioned how I didn’t like how Dale handled the Lori situation, but luckily his discussion with Hershel was better. The main conflict here is the different definitions that our group and Hershel’s have for the Walkers. I love the hope and faith Hershel has; the commitment to his family members, which makes this all the more difficult. He believes they’re sick, comparing them to paranoid schizophrenics, and waiting it out for a cure.  But our group isn’t sheltered like the people on the farm; our group knows of the harsh realities of this zombie predicament. They aren’t humans anymore, there isn’t nor will there ever be a cure, and they are too dangerous to be left alive. The plot development stops there, but, like I said, I’m sure next week shit is gonna go down and things will take a turn.

Also, Andrea gets trigger happy and feels the power that comes with murdering undead abominations. That energy, on top of her emotion-heavy advanced gun training lesson with Shane, releases itself in with a sex sesh in the car on the way back to the farm. And I could only be happier if the camera stayed there longer and showed how wonderfully angry and tension-relieving it was. Of course they didn’t have to, because when they get back to camp both Andrea and Shane try so little to hide it that Lonely Island’s “I Just Had Sex” could be heard coming out of their ears.

Which leads to another unfortunate Dale development, where he’s all distrustful of Shane now. I understand that he saw Shane point that gun at Rick way back when, but I feel like it’s a leap too far for Dale “sensing” that Shane is lying about Otis, no matter how upset he is with Shane for plowing Andrea. It doesn’t matter that his suspicions are right, it’s lazy writing for him to have said suspicious without sufficient evidence. Also, Dale, you don’t want to mess with Shane. You just don’t. 

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