Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Walking Dead Season 2 Episode 2 "Bloodletting"

Live-notetaking this ep. That’s most likely not the proper term. Thanks Twitter.

Don’t like the flashback. We’re slowly piecing together the events that followed that first scene (not the opening one, the first “real” one) where Rick gets shot. We got that, then Shane in the hospital at the big zombie/military incursion, now we’re going back to immediately following the accident. The purpose of this one? Show Lori’s feelings about Rick pre-zompocalypse? Make it seem easier for us to believe she would get with Shane? I feel like it wasn’t needed, or rather, wasn’t successful. The part where she’s talking to that lady about her fight with Rick was working, but then Shane shows up, and she manages to spin it around to look like she’s the one who’s suffering. Yeah, she should be upset and telling her son his dad’s been shot isn’t the most fun thing, but, once again, it just makes Lori look like a jerk.

Also, nothing can beat the awesomeness of the cold open flashback in S3E5 of Breaking Bad, “Mas”, or the one that flashbacks to Walt and Skylar buying their house. In fact many of the cold open flashbacks of Breaking Bad, so I hold flashback cold opens to a high standard.

Daryl continues to be awesome. Lori continues to get on my nerves.

Not sure if I’m feeling the dialogue between Shane and Rick at the….house with convenient doctor and medical supplies. I’m fine with the plot contrivance that a doctor is there, just don’t know how else to describe the house. Like, yes Rick, Lori needs to know. Fine. But you’ve been told like 10 times that Carl needs you to be there because he needs your blood. Or he will die. If you leave he will die. How is this an issue right now? How about get Shane to go? Why doesn’t Shane go?

Another mission to a place probably overrun with zombies. Oh, this is why Shane doesn’t go to get Lori, he needs to be there to go with Otis to the school that’s “maybe better now.” Hopefully this one will yield better results than the one for Merle. Then again, I’m kinda happy they didn’t find that One-Handed, Redneck, racist sommbitch. Anyway, I’m calling it now, they either won’t even leave for the school this ep, more likely, they’ll get then and then BOOM CLIFFHANGER.

WOW. Leave it to the black guy to get racist about the whole situation. Is that racist?
“She’s having a tough time.” Understatement of the fucking universe. It’s the zombie apocalypse, if anybody is having anything less than a “tough time” I’d like to know the drugs they’re taking and where they found them. But I do appreciate Dale defending Andrea. I like their relationship, even though Andrea doesn’t seem to reciprocate.

“It’s nature correcting itself. Restoring balance.” Hm. Very Hm. I wanna elaborate on this eventually, but not know. Hopefully this idea will be brought up again.

Ok, so guy’s a vetrenarian. It’s not completely different. I’d still trust him. The end of the world is no time to be picky. Still too much bitchin’ coming out of Lori’s mouth. It’s like her whole character is mostly there to yell at Rick and Shane, whoever’s closer.

“T-Dawg’ll die. No joke.” The seriousness of his condition is dampered by the fact that his name is “T-Dawg”, hence the need for the addition of “no joke.”

Daryl Ftw! Not giving up on Sophia, having a big ol’ bag o’ drugs. (Was that blue meth? Oh God, does Breaking Bad end with Walt becoming a zombie??)


Didn’t really this episode. Too much time was spent with an unconscious Carl. I know that’s a huge deal, but it didn’t work for me because I know for a fact he doesn’t die, so I guess it’s not the episode’s fault. But what is the episode’s fault is how most of the conversations were irrelevant. Dialogue is getting better, but nothing that was said this episode really mattered. Is T-Dawg being paranoid about being the only black guy something I should care about? No. Is Carl gonna die? Obviously not. Is Shane gonna leave? Probably not. Is Sophia gonna turn up? Idk. That only one of those questions doesn’t have a predictable answer is not okay. Basically I want the pacing to pick up again, because the more they slow it down, the more time I have to scrutinize and find the things wrong with it. And I need more…of a grand scheme. It feels directionless. Just repeating happenstances. Maybe they don’t want to have an overarching plan, make it more…realistic? The main idea is Survival, and making up how to do that as you go along and face the obstacles. But this is a serialized drama. It needs…serialization.
And since it doesn’t, that’s why they have to resort to cliffhanger after cliffhanger to get us to tune in again. Previously, I was annoyed with the cliffhangers because I felt them unnecessary, seeing as I plan on watching more and didn’t need a kid getting shot the last second to motivate me to do so. Now, I’m annoyed with them because they’re doing it purpose because they know they have to. This is all of course, for the people like me, who analyze TV too much. For the people who just wanna see zombies and gore, they’re gonna keep coming back. So give me more zombies and less conversation, and make that less conversation worth it.
Everyone says it gets better, and I know it will. It’s just frustrating waiting to get to that point.

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