Monday, April 8, 2013

Walking Dead - Season One

So I finally started watching The Walking Dead on Friday and made it through season one. While watching I took notes on my feelings toward it. I've decided to blog my notes about it because why not. These notes are really unorganized and just thoughts that came to mind during or immediately after episodes. Once I start my season 2 ones maybe they'll be more focused and organized. Minor spoilers, maybe major, well it doesn't matter you probably will only read this if you have already watched.Well, here we go.

Finished episode 3. The pacing is weird, the dialogue isn't good. But the action is top notch and the emotions are there, even if the dialogue has a tough time with making those emotions come out in a way that’s not cliche and hackneyed and lame. Of course, some of the problems may have to do with the 6-episode order and not knowing if they’ll get a second season so they probably had to rush some things, slow down others, introduce too many characters, figure out how much of the story you want to tell etc. Because the pilot was fantastic and then there was an immediate drop off in quality. I hope we see Morgan Jones and his son again.

Really annoyed that the search for Merle has to be stretched out some more. Of all the plots to make take forever...

When they focus on the survival psychology themes I love it, though like I said, the dialogue can use some work. I imagine most people watch for zombie killing, which is fine, I love the zombie fights/interactions, and I’m sure given more time they’ll be able to incorporate the two less clunkily. 

Initially I didn’t like the scene where they were gonna chop up the dead body to cover themselves in the smell, when Rick when through his wallet to find out who that zombie was, beause, I mean, theres a time and a place. Considering what they were about to do, maybe learn the personal history of a zombie whose ribs you aren’t about to hang around your neck. At the same time, if you’re gonna have someone’s ribs around your neck, maybe you should get to know them? Anyway, I didn’t like that initially, but I did like that they took a moment to acknowledge that these zombies wer ein fact real human beings with lives at one point. That’s dealt with previously with Morgan Jones’ wife. And we’ll see where it goes depending on this Andrea/Amy and Jim situation. (only just started S1E5 as I write this), but mostly the zombies are treated like the faceless, multitudinous enemy drones of a video game or movie like Star Wars or the Avengers. Which, I guess is the point. Allows more focus on the main characters, and that may not be what the show wants to be, but some more references to the fact that their enemies were themselves would be a nice look into the psychology of dealing with that fact. (right after I wrote this I went back to watching and they touch in this with their discussion on how to deal with Jim, so yay!)

Also, I initially wanted to know all the when/how/why or the zombie apocalypse, and idk if we’ll get that, and I also dk if I want to know anymore. Now knowing generally the kind of show this wants to be/is sofar, the when/how/why isn’t important. It happened and here’s the new reality. Also, based on how this show does dialogue, idk if I want any heavy exposition.

The sound editing is delicious. 

Finished S1E5 Do they not trust themselves or the audience enough? Is that why they finish each episode with a cliffhanger? Like, I’m gonna watch more, no need to FORCE me to watch me by leaving a sentence unfinished. Really great stuff with Amy/Jim, though. Really humanized the zombie process, which was something I was looking for.

S1E6 finale. Aw man! I had just gotten over wanting flashbacks/origin info!
Still don’t know how to feel about Shane. I dislike him but. Is he a villain? Yes. But no? Humanize him by his cliché-ly drinking in the shower? But he’s better than Rick in some ways. Rick is righteous to a fault. I agree with him in his values and morals, but sometimes his righteousness clouds his decision making. Shane understands the need for both authority and singularity among the group. Practicality over righteousness. Good stuff. But even though Shane may not be as righteous, he’s probably the more emotional one. Which makes him slightly more complex and gives him depth. Yay three dimensional characters! 

Andrea :C all’s she’s done in like 2 episodes is look all sad. She’s got the eyes for it. I feel for her, one of the only characters I feel for at the moment besides Rick.

Just finished the finale. Really liked it because there was little zombie, a very small and somewhat necessary amount of exposition. Characterization of Shane, which was needed. Better dialogue and heavy themes of what it means to be human/alive. Sorry that the doctor died, he was a really good actor and brought a higher level of acting that I feel the show still needs.

Then I read that the entire writing staff was changed after this season. Which, to me, is actually good news. Because I found that to be the biggest problem for me. The pacing and tone went all over the place, hopefully they’ll get new staff that will unite in a more focused way, perhaps having the showrunner take more responsibility in filtering it through. 

Next I'll write about the premiere of season 2. and maybe after that do a couple episodes at a time? Whatever. 
Agree with what I'm saying? Disagree? Something you want me to talk about? Comment and let's talk about it! 

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